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BLIXA BARGELD (Einstürzende Neubauten) & TEHO TEARDO

BLIXA BARGELD (Einstürzende Neubauten) & TEHO TEARDO

sobota 28.9.2013 od 19:30
Pilot Klub, Praha

O akci

This is a unique collaboration, an unexpected one between the italian composer Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld (leader of Einstürzende Neubauten and former Bad Seeds).
Klasické strunné nástroje: violoncello, housle, kytara a kompletní smyčcové kvarteto citlivě propojené s eletronickou hudbou. Velmi osobní a intimní zpovědi zpívané v angličtině, němčině i italštině. Teho Teardo a Blixa Bargeld se poprvé se setkali při realizaci divadelního díla "Ingiuria", dále spolupracovali např. na písni k filmu Romana Polanskeho "A Quite Life", což ve své podstatě odstartovalo celou budoucí spolupráci. Jejich nové album "Still Smiling", které v Praze představí, bylo napsáno a nahráno v Berlíně a v Římě. Teho and Blixa na albu pracovali téměř dva roky a dohromady pečlivě vybírali každé slovo, zvuk i ticho.


NEW ALBUM: "Still Smiling"

This is a quite unique collaboration, an unexpected one between the italian composer Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld, leader of Einstürzende Neubauten and former Bad Seeds. They first met during the realization of Ingiuria, a theatre pièce and right after that they collaborated on a song for a soundtrack, "A Quite Life". That song started the whole process of writing and producing an album together where songs and more experimental pieces could find a common ground.

The original use of strings: cello, violin, guitars, a full string quartet diverts the traditional perception of those classic instruments when they deal with electronics and the result is emotionally moving.

The album has been written and recorded between Berlin and Rome, it took nearly two years to be made, Teho and Blixa worked next to each other choosing carefully every sound, every word and silence.

There are 12 songs on Still Smiling, including a new version of A Quiet Life and a cover of Alone With The Moon by The Tiger Lilies.

Amongst collaborators there are The Balanescu Quartet and cellist Martina Bertoni.

Lyrics are visionary and are sung in english, german and italian, Blixa reveals a really personal and intimate side to the listener this time.

Still Smiling is an album whose special vision covers all the sky between Rome and Berlin, daytime and nocturnal.

It'll be released on Teho's label Specula on april 22nd in Italy and it'll be distributed all over Europe on June 28th 2013 and UK on July 1st.


