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Female Founders: Turning Passion Projects into Profits
PŘEDNÁŠKA / WORKSHOP / LEKCE / Byznys / Profesní – Startupy

Female Founders: Turning Passion Projects into Profits

středa 6. 9. 2023 od 18:00
WorkLounge Karlín, Praha

O akci

With social media and online businesses becoming mainstream, opening a business has become more accessible to individuals who want to explore turning their passion projects into side hustles. Some even go the extra mile and change their careers to become solopreneurs.

This panel aims to give you some insight on how some female founders or solopreneurs turned a profit through their passion projects here in the Czech Republic. The conversation will revolve around our speakers’ journey, specifically how they made the career change to becoming a solopreneur, the biggest challenges they faced, some mistakes they’ve made, and some lessons they learned through their journey. The speakers will also share some best practices that helped them start and take their projects to the next level. 

The panel will serve as a starting point for the following speed networking event. After the speed networking event, everyone is invited to stay and speak more with those they connected with.

We will hear from Klára Losert (Co-founder of Talkbase), Petra Čuřínová (Founder and CEO of GIVILI), and Lucie Neumanova (Co-founder & CEO at Femme Palette).

The registration fee of 350 CZK includes access to the panel discussion and the informal networking event aimed at continuing the conversation from the panel. Early bird tickets for 280 CZK are available until the 20th of August.

We also offer a limited amount of free tickets to Femme Palette mentors and mentees. Please email events@femmepalette.com to avail.

About the speakers


Klára Losert

Klára co-founded Talkbase with the sole purpose of enabling community teams to build world-changing communities, after working in technology and startups for over 8 years. Talkbase is a community analytics platform specifically designed to show community impact across the business. In addition to Talkbase, Klára mentors within the Female Founders organization and angel invests.


Lucie Neumanova

Lucie is the CEO and co-founder of Femme Palette, a Mentoring platform. She has lived in San Francisco for 6 years and worked in various marketing and design roles for tech startups (edtech, fintech) across Silicon Valley. She has experienced firsthand the impact mentoring can have on someone’s career when switching from marketing to a UX design role and growing as a UX designer. Together with her co-founder, she bootstapped Femme Palette, from a women's community to a growing mission driven business focused on personalized professional development. She is passionate about helping people grow in their careers, creating supportive and diverse communities, and cycling.


Petra Čuřínová