Předprodej byl ukončen

Magic Phantom Comedy - black light theatre
DIVADLO / SHOW / VYSTOUPENÍ / Představení – Černé divadlo, Pantomima, Stínové divadlo / Tanec – Moderní

Magic Phantom Comedy - black light theatre

sobota 20. července od 20:30
HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

O akci

  • Heslem Černého divadla HILT je: „Musíte vstoupit do tmy, abyste spatřili světlo.“ Dvojnásobně oceněné divadlo na World Theatre Olympics 2018 v Indii, které zároveň nedávno vyprodalo 2000 míst v Teatro Nacional Guatemala Vás přivítá na domácí scéně v historickém prostoru s exkluzivními 50 místy.
    Představení Magic Phantom Comedy přitahuje diváky, kteří běžně do divadla nechodí. Neplatí zde konzervativní večerní oblečení, nejde o klasické provedení divadla. Spojení 12 různých tanečních obrazů ve tmě, kde pouze fosforeskující barvy svítí, pobaví děti, mládež, dospělé i rozverné babičky a dědečky. Komediální provedení nenechá jednu tvář bez úsměvu. Show je interaktivní a díky malému prostoru probíhá v přímém kontaktu s divákem.
    Hraje se po celý rok út, čt, so od 20:30 s výjimkami.
  • The motto of the HILT Black Light Theatre Prague is: "You have to enter the darkness to see the light." The twice-awarded theater at the World Theater Olympics 2018 in India, which also recently sold out 2,000 seats at the Teatro Nacional Guatemala, welcomes you to its home stage in a historic space with an exclusive 50 seats.
    The Magic Phantom Comedy performance attracts audiences who do not normally go to the theater. Conservative evening wear does not apply here, it is not a classic performance of the theater. The combination of 12 different dance images in the dark, where only the phosphorescent colors shine, will entertain children, youth, adults and cheerful grandmothers and grandfathers. The comedic performance will not leave a single face without a smile. The show is interactive and, thanks to the small space, takes place in direct contact with the viewer.
    The show is running all the year Tue, Thu, Sat at 20:30 with exceptions.

Více informací

  • Divadlo otevírá 30 minut před začátkem. Po začátku show není možno vstoupit bez nároku na refundaci.
  • The theatre opens 30 minutes before the show starts. After the start it is not possible to enter without any possibility of the refund.

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 8.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 10.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 17.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 24.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 10.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 14.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 19.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 24.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 28.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 1.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 3.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 5.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 8.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 10.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 12.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 17.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 19.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 24.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 31.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 5.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 7.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 12.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 14.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 19.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 28.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 7.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 14.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 28.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 1.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 8.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha


Bc. Štěpánka Pencová