Předprodej byl ukončen

Travesti show Miss Angelika feat. HILT black light theatre
DIVADLO / SHOW / VYSTOUPENÍ / Burlesque / Kabaret / Představení – Černé divadlo / Tanec – Moderní / Jiné

Travesti show Miss Angelika feat. HILT black light theatre

pátek 27. září od 20:15
HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

O akci


  • Noc plná zábavy české travesti umělkyně Miss Angelika se uskuteční 27. září 2024.Miss Angelika, známá svým zpodobněním českých ženských hvězd, přináší do světa travesti již 25 let komediální kouzlo. Tím ale vzrušení nekončí, protože slečnu Angeliku doplní jako speciální host večera české černé divadlo HILT Prague. Tato spolupráce slibuje nezapomenutelný zážitek, který spojuje komediální kouzlo slečny Angeliky s vizuálním uměním černého divadla. Intimní atmosféra show se odehrává v historickém podzemním místě z 15. století a dodává večeru další vrstvu kouzla.
  • A fun-filled night of entertainment, when the Czech travesti artist Miss Angelika will perform in a unique show, will take place on 27 September 2024. Miss Angelika, known for her impersonations of Czech female stars, has been bringing comedic charm to the world of travesti for 25 years. But the excitement doesn't end there, as Miss Angelika will be joined by Czech black theatre HILT Prague as the evening's special guest. This collaboration promises an unforgettable experience that combines the comedic charm of Miss Angelica with the visual artistry of black theatre. The intimate atmosphere of the show takes place in a historic 15th century underground venue and adds another layer of magic to the evening.
  • Am 27. September 2024 findet ein unterhaltsamer Abend statt, an dem die tschechische Travesti-Künstlerin Miss Angelika in einer einzigartigen Show auftreten wird. Miss Angelika, bekannt für ihre Imitationen tschechischer weiblicher Stars, bringt seit 25 Jahren komödiantischen Charme in die Welt der Travesti. Aber die Aufregung endet hier nicht, denn Miss Angelika wird als besonderer Gast des Abends vom tschechischen Schwarzlichttheater HILT Prag begleitet. Diese Zusammenarbeit verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, das den komödiantischen Charme von Miss Angelica mit der visuellen Kunstfertigkeit des Schwarzlichttheaters verbindet. Die intime Atmosphäre der Show findet in einem historischen unterirdischen Veranstaltungsort aus dem 15. Jahrhundert statt und verleiht dem Abend eine weitere Ebene der Magie.

Více informací

Show trvá 90 minut

Další akce pořadatele

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 17. prosince od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 19. prosince od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21. prosince od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26. prosince od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.3.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.3.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.3.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.3.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 3.4.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

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Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 3.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.4.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 1.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 10.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 8.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26.4.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 17.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 24.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 31.5.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 1.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 3.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 5.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 8.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 10.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 12.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 3.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 5.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 7.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 10.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 12.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 14.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 17.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 17.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 19.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 19.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 24.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 24.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 31.7.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 28.6.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 5.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 7.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 12.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 14.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 26.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 28.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.8.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.9.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 7.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 14.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 21.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 28.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.10.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 1.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 8.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 15.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 22.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 29.11.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 2.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 4.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 6.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 9.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 11.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 13.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 16.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 18.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 20.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 23.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 25.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 27.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha

Images of Love - black light theatre (schwarzlichttheater) - 30.12.2025 od 20:30, HILT black light theatre Prague - Art Space, Praha


Bc. Štěpánka Pencová