last trip to nūr paradise
pátek 4. října od 22:00secret location, Praha
Předprodej byl ukončen
Did you hear? We’re taking one Last Trip to Paradise.
It’s time for our season closing on October 4th and it’s gonna be a night of flowing beats and tropical heat. We’re really excited to see everyone for one more event before we take our winter break. Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere, you’ll still see us around. But for the winter we won’t be hosting any of our own events, so don’t miss it!
Get ready for a wave of emotions as NŪR takes you on one final journey before we switch things up for the winter. We’ll be posting more info in the next few weeks here and on telegram.
Pre-Sales on smsticket:
On-Door Tickets:
Save the date and we’ll see you in paradise.