Summerween 2025: A Tim Burton Ball
PLES / GALA VEČER / SHOW / VYSTOUPENÍ / TANEČNÍ PARTY / Burlesque / Kabaret / Představení / Erotika / Tanec / Umění

Summerween 2025: A Tim Burton Ball

pátek 20. června od 20:00
PM Club, Praha
od 400 do 800 Zobrazit ceny
prodej do 20. června

Základní vstupenka

Základní cena 500 Kč Koupit

VIP vstupenka

Základní cena 800 Kč Koupit

Základní zlevněná vstupenka

Základní cena 400 Kč Koupit

VIP zlevněná vstupenka

Základní cena 700 Kč Koupit

O akci

Třetí ročník ikonické letní queer Halloween párty Summerween, tentokrát v Tim Burton stylu!
The 3rd year of our iconic queer summer Halloween party Summerween - this time Tim Burton style!

Perry Stroika (DE) - Drag King show
Spizy G (MX/SK) - Drag Queen show
Rudy Daddy - Drag King show
Fiesto - LED show
Eleanor de Noir - Drag Queen show
Fae Goth
Melancholia Blackbile - Burlesque show

Bodacious Betty
Dollface Dirtymind
Dominika Pachlová
Foxy Angel
Happy Chaos

Grozna Svina & Melancholia Blackbile

Costume Competition
- bring your best Burtonesque costume, cosplay or party outfit and win awesome prizes!
Afterparty with DJ - dance with us to queer alt, goth & emo bangers till the sun comes up!
Photocorner - Get your picture taken by our professional photographer Zolcca, or get her assistant or your friend (or enemy?) to take a photo of your iconic lewk on your phone!
Stall Zone - Shop all things weird & spicy!

Primeros Condom - Enjoy free condoms from our wonderful sponsor!
GothSoup - Shop hot drag merch, cute and spooky enamel pins, stickers & more!
Blackbile Productions - Find out more about our upcoming events!

VIP Ticket - 800 CZK
Regular Ticket - 500 CZK
Door Ticket - 600 CZK

Useful ticket info: If you cannot afford the full price tickets, you will also find a cheaper option for both ticket types with a 100 CZK discount. There is only a limited amount of these discounted tickets, so if you are in a comfortable financial situation and can easily affort the full priced tickets, please get those so that others can afford to go to Summerween too. Thank you!