Etno Jaro 2025 – Bran
KONCERT / Hudba – Worldmusic

Etno Jaro 2025 – Bran

středa 12. března od 20:00
Stará Pekárna, Brno

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Cena 270
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O akci

Bran, hudba z Bretaně

English speaking world music lovers, please scroll down.

Bran vznikl v roce 1999 setkáním bretonských a českých muzikantů. V bretonštině Bran znamená havran, posel z keltských legend. Ten, který přinesl na svých křídlech do střední Evropy keltskou hudbu.

Robert Fischmann – zpěv, flétna, klávesy, píšťaly
Vojtěch Jindra – akustická kytara
Tomáš Görtler – akordeon, zpěv
Petr Mikeš – baskytara
Víťa Patočka – bicí

ENGLISH version

Bran was founded in Prague in 1999, when an expatriate Breton singer met some local Czech musicians. Its name is the Breton for ‘raven’, the harbinger bird of the ancient Celtic lore. This particular bird has carried Breton music all the way to Central Europe and brought back some fresh east wind to its native Brittany.

Singing in Breton as well as in French, Bran continues in this tradition of musical cross-pollination. The different backgrounds of each of the band’s members contribute to its original sound. In addition to the traditional Breton dance tunes and marine songs, the band’s repertoire contains some original numbers from the players themselves.

Bran has come up with a new record titled Beaj vat!, Breton for bon voyage. In its broad reach, the record includes not only Breton folk songs in the idiosyncratic vein with which the band has made a name for itself on the Czech scene, but also original instrumental pieces and, for the first time, Czech lyrics.

Robert Fischmann – vocal, flute, piano, whistles
Vojtěch Jindra – acoustic guitar
Tomáš Görtler – accordion, backing vocal
Petr Mikeš – bass guitar
Víťa Patočka – drums


Bran (CZ) – web / fb / soundcloud / youtube

Více informací

Vstupné: 270 Kč předprodeje / 350 Kč na místě


Koná se v rámci

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